Okay......so it has been forever since I last posted something. We have had a crazy couple of months. I know that is no excuse, but time has definately gotten away from me. I'll try to do better in the coming months. So, June 7th marked our 3rd month of waiting for the referral of our little girl. While the wait is hard, it seems that the days are flying by. We started a calendar and are marking off the days one at a time. We are preparing ourselves for a longer wait, but secretly praying that we will still be able to go to China the beginning of 2007. I guess time will tell.
Speaking of time......where has it gone? Last time I posted, we had just celebrated Easter Sunday, and now it is almost 4th of July weekend. I can't believe how fast May and June have flown by. Well, we have alot of news to share so I best get to it.
The last weekend of March, we had a shower for Casey and Sarah. It was really nice for them and they received alot of nice gifts. It was fun to see everyone and we spent a nice afternoon together. My family had a garage sale for the Angel Fund. We have found it to be a great way to make a little cash for the fund, and every year, we seem to still have some junk to sell. This year's sale did not fair so well, but the girls decided to try again the next weekend, and they had better luck. They ended up making about $500.00....a definate boost to the fund for sure.
The next weekend, Rusty and I celebrated Mother's Day on our own. I was very excited when Rusty gave me the Amy Coe diaper bag from Target. Sarah had received one at her shower, and I was definately jealous. Leave it to Rusty to come through and produce one for his wife as well. It is soooooo cute. White w/ black trim and pink and white poka-dot on the inside. I think it was more of a gift for me than Emma, but I know that we will definately be stylin' next spring!
Okay - so now we are up to May 19th, my big 34th birthday. My mom came to visit on Friday and she went with Rusty and I to eat at Abuelo's. We had some fun swirly drinks and good food. It was a quiet, but very relaxing birthday. On Saturday, the Reist family joined us. Rett's college graduation was also Friday the 19th, and they had come back to Wichita on Saturday. Ashley and Chris were also here, and we all went out on Saturday night to celebrate Rett's big day. Becky and Brian joined us late that evening and they stayed over till Monday.
This same weekend we had some really bad news. On Saturday morning, we learned that my cousin Kevin had passed away late Friday night. It was a total shock and the next week was a difficult time for my family. We traveled to Ulysses on Tuesday night and attended the funeral on Wednesday. It was a really nice service and was standing room only - a testament to how many lives Kevin touched and how much we will be missed.
Because we were home during the week - we spent Memorial Day weekend doing nothing. It was a really, really relaxing time for Rusty and I. We just spent our days together, laying around, watching movies, a little bit of shopping, but mostly just enjoying our time together.
So - for our really big news......June 7th marked the birthday of our new addition, Michael Alan Wise. He was 8lb 8oz, 21in long. While getting him here was not easy, he was definately worth the wait. He is wonderful and our family is so blessed. We have waited a long time for a little baby to call our own, and he is definately everything we dreamed of. Casey and Sarah seem to be getting along really well. Auntie A (that's me) and Uncle Russ were there to greet him and we stayed in Garden for several days after his arrival. It was a special time for our family and we were so glad to be there and share that moment together. Yes, we have already been back to see him this past weekend, and yes, we will be seeing him again this weekend as well. We ended up spending Father's Day weekend in Dodge City. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up, but we intend on being with him as much as possible.
Well, I am sure there is more to tell, but I think I've gone on long enough. This weekend, we are all headed to Canton Lake to clean up the house my parents bought down there. I'm sure I'll have a story to tell about that next week. Don't forget to check out the photo page and also check out the links to see Michael's Story (yes, his daddy made him a blog also). :)