has been forever and a day since we updated. While it seems sad that we can't get things posted on a regular basis, in our defense, these past two months have been a little crazy around here. But, that seems to be life at our house, NEVER A DULL MOMENT!! I can not even begin to imagine life with Emma (how will we ever keep up???)
Let see if I can get you up to date. We went home a couple of times in May (Mother's Day and Memorial Day weekend). It always nice to go back home and hang out for a few days. We had little Michael's 1st B-day! He turned 1 year old on June 7th! I can't believe how fast this last year has flown by. It seems like yesterday when we welcomed him into our family and now he is on the move and so much fun! It is strange how fast time flies yet when the topic turns to Emma, we complain how long it seems to be taking. I know her and Michael will be fast friends and I am so excited to see the two of them together!
Okay - so Russman started complaining about his arm hurting again. As many of you reading this already know - he broke his collar bone almost 10 years ago, had surgery in 2003, and guess what - he goes to the doctor again in May and we find out the surgery did not work and his arm is still broken! I really think his dr. was shocked when he saw the x-ray. Rusty's body pretty much rejected everything they did and all the hardware had worked it way loose. So, on May 30th, he had surgery a 2nd time. This time around, they took a 5" piece of a fibula and attached what little bone he had left to it. Rusty is not the best patient, but I have been so impressed with him. He really has pulled through like a trooper and is now starting some phy. therapy to try and get it back to normal. He is working hard at getting well, we keep saying that he has a baby on the way and needs to get lots of "holding time" in and needs that arm to work!!
You might think that is plenty to fill up the month of June, but oh no, we are just getting started. My dad decided to take a new job and moved in with us the Sunday after Rusty's surgery. I know he has stewed about this change for many months, but in the end, I think it is a great opportunity for him. My parents are working on moving and should be here for good around the 10th. I am really excited about having them here with us. My mom will not be working, so she will be able to visit her other kiddos as often as she likes. I'm sure she will be wearing out the road traveling back and forth. I know she will be a huge blessing to us when we finally get Emma here. It will be so nice to have them here for a little extra support!!
Of course, our life wouldn't be complete without hosting a little bit of company in June as well. Besides having my Dad here 24/7, we also had Casey, Sarah, and Michael stay for a few days. Kate came through town on her way to Ulysses and we spent a couple of days with her. We are always excited to see our East Coast Cousins!! The Frazee's came to stay for a couple of days to take Jaime to the dr. and pickup Jacob from camp. Now some people would not be able to handle so much company and people coming and going. Some days it does seem that way, but really, my family is so big that when we are all together, it's hard to get any one on one time with people. When they come stay with me, I get a chance to really visit with them and I enjoy that time together! Sometimes it gets a little crowded, but with my mom moving here, it will be one more place for people to stay which will work out great!
I also have taken on a new opportunity and changed jobs this month. I am excited about this endeavor and really feel like I will learn so much in the coming months. I started on the 25th, so it's only been a week now. It's been a little rocky getting started, but I think once I get my bearings and into a new routine, it's going to be a good change for me. I will be going back to school (online classes) this fall and trying to get my act together before my next endeavor (a little girl I am more than anxious to meet)! Which brings me to the purpose of this blog - still waiting for a referral and still dreaming of the day we travel to China and meet our future! July 7th will be 16 months and the current wait time is 18-24 months. Is it taking forever? YES! Are we more then ready? YES! Will she be worth the wait? YES - most definately!!
So there you go - now you know what's going on! If you made it to the end you should definately get a snack - you deserve it!!