Monday, June 09, 2008

Hip, Hip Hooray......we got 8 days!!

Updated 06/11/08:  Well it appears we may have jumped the gun a little.  Reports now say that they have only filled thru 01/20/08.  That is still 8 days of referrals, so it's still a nice size batch.  However, we would now have 46 days left, not 44 :(

What a wonderful appears the CCAA has filled thru Jan. 22nd! That is 10 days of referrals for June. We were very excited to mark them off, leaving 44 LID's to go. So is this a sign that things are picking up? - I don't believe so. It seems to be about the same number of referrals. However, at this point, we are down to counting the days - so to mark off 10 is a very big deal!! As many of you probably know, the Olympics will be held in Beijing this August. Right now, everything I have read says the CCAA does not think the Olympics will affect the referral process. So, we look towards July and hopefully another big batch! Oh my goodness - is a 2008 referral possible??? I guess time will tell!