Friday, May 29, 2009


Today is a great day. Our agency called and said our TA is here! They still have to request our consulate appointment (June 22nd, 23rd, or 24th) and once that is confirmed we will have definate travel dates! Tentatively, they have us leaving June 11th - less than two weeks!! OMG - is this really happening?? We are in shock! But it sounds like Russman will have Emma in his arms this Father's Day and for that we are grateful and excited!! We will be posting updates as we have them! I guess the countdown has really begun!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma!!

As I write this post, our baby girl is having her 1st birthday. We are very sad and disappointed that we are not there with her - but we will definately make up for lost time whenever we get clearance to go. Miss Emma has taken hold of our hearts and thoughts this week and we are growing more and more anxious by the day. We spent Memorial Day weekend asking the same question over and over - where is that dang TA?? The May batch of referrals finally made their appearance on Friday (congrats to all the new families) so I'm hoping maybe that's a sign that things are moving again and our TA is on the way. I think the swine flu has played havoc with our travel plans, but it would seem that is dying down now. We would like to see something this week as it has now been 6 weeks since our paperwork was sent back accepting our referral. Our schedule is pretty much wide open now - so there's not much left to do but get to China and get our baby!!!

In the meantime, we have decided to go ahead and start getting our stuff ready. In the words of our good friend "if we pack, she will come"! I hope she is right!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Uh...yea. Apparently there is more waiting to be done as our TA has yet to arrive. Today marks 4 weeks since our LOA (letter of acceptance)was sent back to the CCAA. Our agency has always said it takes 3 - 5 weeks for TA, but can be as long as 7 weeks. So, we are still in that window, but of course always hoping it will show up sooner.

On a side note - I received some sweet surprises as my 1st Mother's Day came and went. Imagine my surprise when a Mother's Day card from Emma was in my mailbox! I had a little moment for myself as already our girl has some angels watching out for her! I'm not sure who sent it - but a huge thank you to whoever you are! You made my day!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Have Visa....Will Travel

We got our visas this week. They showed up on my desk on Thursday. So that's one more step done....but we're still waiting for TA (travel approval). Rumor has it that maybe some were mailed yesterday, so I guess we will see what the week brings!