Thursday, July 09, 2009

Adjusting to our "new normal"

Our little firecracker!!

Well, it's been two weeks since we got home and we are slowly adjusting to our new way of life. We've had alot of stuff going on since we arrived home - lots of visitors and of course the 4th of July holiday weekend. All in all, we've had some adjusting to do, but we all seem to be getting along great and settling into a routine.

I have lots of pictures to post - and as soon as I get them gathered up, I'll get them on here. Until then, we've posted a few to get you by. I do want to send a special thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes over the past few weeks. We have had many family and friends checking in on us and making sure all is well. Miss Emma is very loved and I think everyone is just so grateful she is here with us and doing so well! We've had some bumps and bruises, but all in all, she is adjusting very well and seems to be a pretty happy little girl. Of course, if she could master walking on her own - she'd be alot happier, but something tells me it won't be much longer and we'll be chasing after her!!

My 1st meal in America - Chili's at the Detroit Airport!

I've been traveling for 22 hours so far - but I'm still pretty happy!!

One of my favorite pictures - pretty much sums it up, we're ready to be home!!

My 1st birthday present - a new swingset from Grandma and Grandad

Learning to like the lake!