Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Projections............

Okay.....so if you scroll down below the red Beijing clock you will find a new section title "Our Projections". I added this today because our families still seems to be somewhat confused as to how the referral process works. Once a month, the CCAA sends out referrals to waiting families. The referral contains the child's information and pictures. After receiving a referral, the family sends a letter of acceptance for this particular child. An appointment is then set with the US consulate, and travel arrangements can begin to be made.

So, we have projected how far we believe the CCAA will fill each month. This is strictly wishful thinking......but I hope it will prove to be fairly accurate. I guess time will tell. In the meantime, you can see that we were already off by several days for the month of July, as we projected they would fill to 2/5/06 and they only got to 1/25/06. As I said before, it is merely a guess on our part. No one but the CCAA knows for sure how it will all play out!

Each month, we will post how far they have filled. If we are lucky, they will hopefully catch up or better yet - speed ahead and a November/December referral is in our future!!

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