Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween 2008

Normally this time of the month I would be posting some info about the latest batch of referrals. Alas, there is no news from the CCAA just yet - so we wait, something we are pretty used to. Last word, they were still matching babies with families, so maybe that is a good sign of things to come.

In the meantime, we have had quite a week. Michael's mom and dad went on a trip to Seattle and we were lucky to have him come stay with Grandma and Grandad for the week. It was a special treat to spend so many days with him. We went to the zoo, got ready for Halloween, and spent alot of nights playing golf and FOOTBALL. He's a special little boy and so much fun!!

Rusty got a special treat when he learned that Becky and Brian had given him their tickets to the KU/KSU football game. He was thrilled! We headed out Friday night for an overnight stay and spent Saturday at the game. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, 72 and sunny. The campus was beautiful with all the trees turning. All in all, it was a perfect day!

Stay tuned......rumors should be flying this week - we hope!! In the meantime, enjoy!!

1 comment:

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Happy Halloween...and you have to share the rumors with me!!